Project Description:
The Middle East and North Africa region is currently responsible for 5% of global emissions, roughly its share of global population, and except for Saudi Arabia no single Arab country is responsible for more than 1% of global emissions. However, the region’s total emissions and global share have been growing rapidly over the last decades and its per capita emissions are set to exceed the global average by 2015.
Qatar was recently selected to host the 2012 round of UNFCCC negotiations known as the Conference of Parties (COP18), which takes place between 26 November and 7 December 2012. This selection is significant, not only because Qatar is the first country in the region to host such event, but due to Qatar’s global rankings as the the highest emitter of Carbon emissions per capita and the highest ecological footprint per capita. COP 18 is also significant as it represents the first round of negotiations dedicated to reaching a legally binding agreement for developed and developing countries by 2015.
This significant event presents an excellent opportunity to raise awareness about the global environmental challenges facing the region and the world today. Carboun’s Road to Doha project takes advantage of this opportunity and aims to introduce the region’s audience to the science of climate change and its effects on the region’s economy and environment, the state of sustainability in the region and its impact on carbon emissions, and climate negotiation from an international perspective.
The Road to Doha project will examine how climate negotiations relate to the region, and will shed light on the carbon emissions of the region’s countries and economic sectors. The region’s three main sub-regions (the Gulf Cooperation Council, North Africa, and Levant) will be analyzed, and detailed studies of the state of the energy, transportation, commercial, industrial, residential sectors will be conducted in a series of articles and events which will run throughout 2012.
The Road to Doha project is a joint effort by Carboun’s National Coordinators and Ambassadors.
Published Articles:
Article 1: An Introduction to Climate Change
Article 2: Sustainable Transportation in the Middle East
Article 3: Carbon Footprint of Electricity in the Middle East
Public Awareness Events:
Event 1: Amman, Jordan: Climate Change, Why we should Care – 6 June 2012
Presentation slides by Batir Wardam are available for download
Event 2: Beirut, Lebanon: Climate Changes and Water Resources – 28 June 2012
Presentation slides by Nadim Farajalla and Tarek Sadek are available for download
Event 3: Dubai, UAE: Climate Changes in the Gulf Region – 29 August 2012
Media Coverage
Aljazeera English, Qatar hosts climate summit amid criticism – 25 November 2012.
The National, Gulf Emissions in Spotlight on Eve of Climate Talks
L’Orient-Le Jour Changement climatique : un appel concret à l’action, initié par de jeunes Libanais